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时间:1/4/2015  点击:2910


PT EDI Kopi Luwak is introducing the world first 3 in 1 coffee brand that mix together aloe tea, papua gaharu Powder and Sumatra kopi luwak beans.
Kopi is the Indonesian word for coffee and luwak is a local name of the Asian Palm Civet lives in Sumatra. Hence, kopi luwak or civet coffee refers to the collected beans of coffee berries which once have been eaten and excreted by Asian Palm Civet native to Indonesia. The Papua Kopi Luwak is a mix of aloe tea, kopi luwak beans and 6 types of high quality and unique brown colored Papua gaharu which is traditionally processed and crushed into powder, which creates a perfect fusion of coffee beverage with unique and special flavor.
The reason why Kopi Luwak is so unique compared to other coffee beans is because of its rarity and unusual process. The process includes 2 mechanisms which involve selection and digestion. Through a selection process, the coffee berries consumed by the civet are all manually selected with high quality fresh pulpy and sweet red juicy beans from the world"s largest regional producer of coffee beans located in Sumatra Aceh mountainous pollution-free environment at the altitude of more than 1800 meters above sea level. Through digestion process, the ingested coffee berries are entered the civet"s digestive tract where fermentation occurs - the civet’s enzymes seep into the beans and break down the bean’s proteins, yielding shorter peptides and less amino acids. As a result, 

it improves the flavor profile of the coffee that adds smoothness to the texture of the beans, a reduced amount in acid, and less bitter in taste. After spending about one and a half day, the beans are then defecated in clumps, having their shape reserved and covered with some of the fleshy berry"s inner layers, which are then collected, cleaned, and placed under the sun until dry out. The beans are also carefully assorted and manufactured under a strict procedure and through a set of examination by a professional research and development team, until they reached to the end of production line to ensure the best quality of coffee is preserved.
Due to a fall in the number of luwak or civet (Asian Palm Civet), Kopi Luwak is now very rare and difficult to be found and thus has become the most expensive coffee and valuable commodities  in the world.
The following are the benefits of consuming Papua Kopi Luwak:
- Relief Stress or anti-depressant
- Improving sexual performance for both men and women
- Maintaining digestive and cardio vascular functions
- Improving blood circulation

配 方与特 点::精选香气典雅、众香之首、香中之王、一两沉十两金的印尼巴布亚原产-天然野生千年沉香叶及沉香粉、爱谛曼得林猫屎咖啡青豆等,用传统的十多种手工加工方法等,加工成香品高雅,而且十分难得的爱谛沉香猫屎咖啡。(本品不含任何化学添加剂)。爱谛沉香猫屎咖啡实际上内含有人体必需的生命元素量极丰富,如钙、锌、铁、锰等和维生素,是人体很好的特殊营养物的补充剂,也是保持人体正常生命活动的重要基础,对中枢神经系统具有抑制活性和抗痉挛作用。对男女生殖器有兴奋作用,有调整恢复肠胃消化糸疾病,并对体内多种不利因子的消除大有益处。这样高端品质的爱谛沉香猫屎咖啡,你能喝到真正的爱谛沉香猫屎咖啡是最高端福报。因爱谛沉香猫屎咖啡有丰富醇厚的口感,浓稠度糖浆般的润滑感,不涩、不酸、不苦,咖啡香味可谓“世界独家”,口间还会留有淡淡的薄荷糖香、梨花香、桃花香、柠檬草、细腻花香、蜜瓜、雪梨、丝丝白酒香感。
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